Chen Ji Professor




Chen Ji is currently a professor at the Institute of Particle Physics, Central China Normal University. His research focuses on theoretical studies of low-energy few-body nuclear structures. He initially investigated the Efimov effect in atomic systems using effective field theory, exploring phenomena such as the Efimov effect and effective range corrections in systems like ultracold atomic gases and weakly bound helium molecules. In recent years, his main research directions have included few-body problems related to nuclear halo structures and nuclear structure effects in high-precision atomic spectroscopy. He has conducted research on the properties of neutron-rich halo nuclei and alpha clustering by developing halo effective field theory in conjunction with Faddeev-equation few-body methods. Through interdisciplinary studies involving nuclear ab initio theory, photo-nuclear reaction theory, and quantum electrodynamics, he has calculated the effects of nuclear polarization on the Lamb shift and hyperfine splitting in muonic and electronic atoms, providing important insights for testing bound-state quantum electrodynamics and exploring new physics.


2012, Ph.D. in Physics, Ohio University,Athens,USA.

2006, Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China.

Professional Experience

2024–Present, Professor, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China.

2017–2024, Associate Professor, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China.

2015–2017, Postdoctoral Researcher, INFN-TIFPA (National Institute for Nuclear Physics

-Trento Institute for Fundamental Physics and Applications),Trento,Italy.

2015–2017, Postdoctoral Researcher, ECT*(European Center for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas), Trento, Italy

2012–2015, Postdoctoral Researcher, TRIUMF (Canada'sParticleAcceleratorCentre), Vancouver, Canada

Honors and Awards

2021, Guizi Young Scholar, Central China Normal University.

2018, Hubei Province (Youth) Talent Program.

Recent Publications (5 years)

1. C. Ji*, “Nuclear structure effects to atomic Lamb shift and hyperfine splitting”,Acta Phys. Sin.73,202101(2024).

2. C. Ji*, X. Zhang, L. Platter,“Nuclear Structure Effects on Hyperfine Splittings in Ordinary and Muonic Deuterium”,Phys.Rev.Lett.133,042502 (2024).

3. Q.-F. Li*, S.-L. Lyu, C. Ji*, B.-W. Long,“Effective field theory with resonant P-wave interaction”,Phys.Rev.C, 108, 024002 (2023).

4. S.B. Emmons, C. Ji*, L. Platter,“Pionless effective field theory evaluation of nuclear polarizability in muonic deuterium”,J. Phys. G48, 035101 (2021).

5. C. Ji*, “Application of Photonuclear Reaction to Evaluating Nuclear Polarizability in Muonic Atoms”,Nucl.Phys.Rev.37,605(2020).

6. O.J. Hernandez, C. Ji*, S. Bacca, N. Barnea,“Probing uncertainties of nuclear structure corrections in light muonic atoms”,Phys. Rev. C100, 064315 (2019).

7. N.N. Dinur, O.J. Hernandez, S. Bacca, N. Barnea, C. Ji, S. Pastore, M. Piarulli, R.B. Wiringa, “Zemach moments and radii of2,3H and3,4He”,Phys. Rev. C99, 034004 (2019).

8. M. Göbel, H.-W. Hammer, C. Ji, D.R. Phillips,“Momentum-space probability density of 6He in halo effective field theory”,Few-Body Syst.60, 61 (2019).

Selected Publications

1. C. Ji*, X. Zhang, L. Platter,“Nuclear Structure Effects on Hyperfine Splittings in Ordinary and Muonic Deuterium”,Phys.Rev.Lett.133,042502 (2024).

2. C. Ji*, N.N. Dinur, S. Bacca, N. Barnea,“Nuclear polarization corrections to theμ4He+ Lamb shift”,Phys. Rev. Lett.111, 143402 (2013).

3. C. Ji*, S. Bacca, N. Barnea, O.J. Hernandez, N.N. Dinur,“Ab initio calculation of nuclear structure corrections in muonic atoms”,J. Phys. G 45, 093002 (2018).

4. H.-W. Hammer, C. JI, D.R. Phillips,“Effective field theory description of halo nuclei”,J. Phys. G44 103002 (2017).