IOPP is also the host to Key Laboratory for Quark and Lepton Physics of Ministry of Education (MOE), Joint Center for International Collaboration on Quark Matter and Detection Technology of Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Pixel Laboratory at CCNU (PLAC), Nuclear Science Computer Center at CCNU ( NSC3), and Central China Center for Nuclear Theory (C3NT).
An open environment conducive for cutting-edge research and collaboration in the forefront of nuclear theory and phenomenology with close contact with experiments.
Established by the Ministry of Education of China in 2015 to advance theoretical and experimental studies of quark matter, particle physics and related areas.
Established by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China in 2015 as a center for international collaboration on research in quark matter and detector technologies.
The first super computer center in China dedicated to the study of lattice quantum dynamics at finite temperature and density and numerical simulation of heavy-ion collisions.
The center encompasses engineering and technical research in areas such as particle detection technology in large facilities, nuclear medicine diagnostics and therapy, and radiation-resistant high-speed data transmission.