
About IOPP

The focus of the Institution of Particle Physics (IOPP) at Central China Normal University (CCNU) has been on the physics of hot and dense matter in high-energy heavy-ion collisions since its establishment in 1977. It now has over 40 faculties engaging in a wide range of cutting-edge research covering both theoretical and experimental particle physics, nuclear physics, detector technology and electronics for nuclear physics and complex systems. We are members of the STAR Collaboration at Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC), ALICE and LHCb Collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and many other experiments in China and abroad. It is also the host to Key Laboratory for Quark and Lepton Physics of Ministry of Education (MOE), Joint Center for International Collaboration on Quark Matter and Detection Technology of Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Pixel Laboratory at CCNU (PLAC), Nuclear Science Computer Center at CCNU ( NSC3), and Central China Center for Nuclear Theory (C3NT).


The predecessor of IOPP is the Elementary Particle Physics Group within the Department of Physics at CCNU established in 1977 under the leadership of Prof. Lianshou Liu and with Profs. Xu Cai and Jiarong Li as the founding members. It became the Institute of Particle Physics under direct university management in 1987 which later became a part of the College of Physical Science and Technology. The research covered Experiment, Theory and Phenomenology of heavy-ion collisions. The Key Laboratory of Quark and Lepton Physics was established by MOE in 2007 and Joint Center for International Collaboration on Quark Matter and Detection by the MOST in 2015. IOPP was involved in BNL/AGS/E815 and E863, CERN/SPS/EMU01, JINR/EMU12,CERN/SPS/NA22 and CERN/SPS/NA49 experiments over the years. The Institute joined CERN/LHC/ALICE Collaboration in 1993, BNL/RHIC/STAR Collaboration in 2000 and CERN/LHC/LHCb Collaboration in 2013. The Institute is also a member of GSI/FAIR/CBM, IHEP/BEPC/BES-III, Dubna/NICA/MPD, IMP/CRS/CEE, future EicC Collaboration.

Past and Present Directors

Lianshou Liu (1977 - 2002)

Xu Cai (2003 - 2011)

Daicui Zhou (2003 - 2008) (Executive Deputy), Feng Liu (Deputy)

Yadong Yang (2008-2010) (Executive Deputy), Feng Liu (Deputy)

Feng Liu (2010 - 2019) (Executive Deputy), Ben-Wei Zhang (Deputy)

Xin-Nian Wang (2012 -)

Guangyou Qin (2019 -2024) (Executive Deputy), Shao-long Chen (Deputy), Ya-ping Wang (Deputy)

Heng-Tong Ding(2024-) (Executive Deputy), Ya-ping Wang (Deputy), Hang Yin (Deputy)