Wei Li Professor





Li Wei is currently a professor at Central China Normal University. His main research interests are machine learning of nonequilibrium phase transitions, evolutionary games, and complex network dynamics. He has published 85 papers, among which the paper on air network has been cited more than 700 times. His research on sports rankings has been featured by renounced scientific journals such asNatureandScience.

Educational Background

2001.6, PhD, Institute of Particle Physics, Central China Normal University

1996.6,Bachelor of Physics Education, Central China Normal University

Work Experience

2007.6 – Present, Central China Normal University, Professor

2001.11-2007.6, Lecturer and Associate Professor, Central China Normal University

2003.2–2004.5, Postdoctoral Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Science, Germany

Honors and Awards

2015&2003, Second Prize of Hubei Natural Science Award

2009, Hubei Youth Award of Science and Technology

2003, Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, Germany

Academic Services:

Member of the International Advisory Committee of SigmaPhi2020 and SigmaPhi2023 International Conference on Statistical Physics

Member of the National Academic Conference Committee on "Statistical Physics and Complex Systems"

Recent Publications

1. S Deng, W Li, UC Täuber , Coupled two-species model for the pair contact process with diffusion, Phys. Rev. E 102 (4), 042126 (2020).

2. J Shen, W Li, S Deng, T Zhang, Supervised and unsupervised learning of directed percolation, Phys. Rev. E 103 (5), 052140 (2021).

3. J Shen, F Liu, S Chen, D Xu, X Chen, S Deng, W Li, G Papp, C Yang, Transfer learning of phase transitions in percolation and directed percolation, Phys. Rev. E 105 (6), 064139 (2022).

4. Fei Ma, Feiyi Liu, and Wei Li, Jet tagging algorithm of graph network with Haar pooling message passing, Phys. Rev. D 108, 072007 (2023).

5. Kui Tuo , Wei Li, Shengfeng Deng and Yueying Zhu, Supervised, semisupervised , and unsupervised learning of the Domany-Kinzel model, Phys. Rev. E 110, 024102 (2024).