Guang-You Qin Professor




Guang-You Qin is currently a Professor of Physics at Central China Normal University (CCNU).Qin’s research focuses on the theory and phenomenology of high-energy nuclear physics. His current interests include dynamical simulation of relativistic nuclear collisions, hard probes and collective properties of quark-gluon plasma, andthestrong-interaction matterunder extreme conditions.


1995-1999 BSc of physics,Shandong University

1999-2002 MSc of physics,Peking University

2003-2008 PhD of physics, McGill University

Work Experience

2008-2013 Postdoc at The Ohio state University, Duke University and Wayne State University

2013-Present Professor at Central China Normal University

2019-2024 Executive DirectorofInstitute of Particle Physic at Central China Normal University

2024- PresentDean of Department of Physical Science and Technology at Central China Normal University