Men Jin Associate Professor




Meng Jin is currently anassociateprofessor of Particle Physics at Central China Normal University (CCNU).His research field is about the equation of state(EoS) of nuclear matter at finite temperature and density, the effect of medium effect on the properties of nuclear matter, the nucleon superfluid and the BEC-BCS crossover. The properties of the quark matter at finite temperature and density, including the EoS of quark matter, the chiral phase transition of quark-nucleon transition, color superconductor of quark matter.

He has hosted a young researcher project of NSFC, attended the key projects of NSFC. He has published nearly 30 SCIpapers. He received the natural science award of Hubei province in 2010. In recent years, He main teaches the following courses,methodof Mathematicalphysics,Statistic Physics, College Physics etc..


2006.7-now, work at CCNU

2007-2008, post Doctor, CNRS-IN2P3, University Paris-Sud, Orsay

2004-2006,post Doctor, Tsinghua University

1998-2004, Ph.D. in physics, IOPP, CCNU

1994-1998,B.S. in physics, physics department, CCNU

Main Jobs

1) Lianyi He, Meng Jin, Pengfei Zhuang, Phys. Rev. D 71,116001(2005) Pion Superfluidity and Meson Properties at Finite isospin density,

2) Lianyi He, Meng Jin, Pengfei Zhuang, Phys. Rev. D75(2007)036003 Neutral Color Superconductivity Including Inhomogeneous Phases at Finite Temperature

3) Meng Jin, Lianyi He, Pengfei Zhuang,Int. J. Mod. Phys. E16(2007)2363 Inhomogeneous pairing condensates in assymetric nuclear matter

4) Juan Xiong , Meng Jin, Jiarong Li, J. Phys. G 36 (2009) 125005 Pion superfluidity and meson mass in the PNJL model with a finite isospin chemical potential

5) Meng Jin, M. Urban, P. Schuck, Phys. Rev. C82 (2010) 024911 BEC-BCS Crossover and the Liquid-Gas Phase Transition in Hot and Dense Nuclear Matter

6) Juan Xiong, Meng Jin, Jiarong Li, Phys. Rev. C83 (2011) 025204 Regions of different critical behavior of the two-flavor Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model

7)Shuyun Yang, Meng Jin, Defu Hou, Chin. Phys. C 46(2022) 043107 Mass spectra and decay of mesons under strong external magnetic field