Zhong-BaoYin is currently a professor at Central China Normal University. His researchfocusesonhigh-energyexperimentalnuclear physics. He was a member of the CERN/EMU01 and the RHIC/BRAHMS Collaboration, and is currently a member of the ALICECollaboration at CERN. He is currently the Chinese contact person for ALICE and has served as the deputy leader and leader of the ALICEteamat Central China Normal University.He has been dedicated todevelopingALICE detectors and analyzing ALICE data since 2004.He has presided overtwoNational Key R&D Program projects, and four National Natural Science Foundation general projects. As a key member, he has participated in one Ministry of Science and Technology's 973 Project,one973 Preliminary Project,oneMinistry of Education's Major Scientific Research Project,oneNational Natural Science Foundation Key Project,oneNational Natural Science Foundation Major International Cooperation Project, andoneNational Natural Science Foundation International Cooperation Key Project, as well as four National Natural Science Foundation general projects.
2004,Ph.D. inNatural Science, University ofBergen,Norway.
1996, M.S. in Physics, Institute ofParticlePhysics,Central China Normal University, China.
1991, B.S. in Physics,Central China NormalUniversity,Wuhan, China.
Professional Experience
2011- present, Professor, Central China Normal University
2011/07 - 2011/09, Project Associate, CERN
2009/07 - 2009/12, Project Associate, CERN
2007/05 - 2008/05, Research Associate, USD&LANL, USA
2006/05 - 2006/12, Scientific Associate, CERN
2005/09 - 2005/10, Project Associate, CERN
2004/07 - 2011/06,Associate Professor, Central China Normal University
1996/07 - 2000/09,Engineer, Information Center/IT Center, Central China Normal University
Recent Publications (5 years)
1. ALICE Collaboration, Measurement of baryon production and branching-fraction ratio BR(c0->-e+e)/ BR(c0->-+) in pp collisions at s = 13 TeV, Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 032014.
2. ALICE FoCal Collaboration,Performance of the electromagnetic and hadronic prototype segments of the ALICE Forward Calorimeter,JINST19 (2024) 07, P07006.
3. ALICE Collaboration,Anisotropic flow and flow fluctuations of identified hadrons in Pb–Pb collisions at 3.sNN = 5.02 TeV, JHEP 05(2023) 243.
4. ALICE Collaboration,Production of K0S, Lambda, Xi, and Omega in jets and in the underlying event in pp and p-Pb collisions,JHEP07(2023)136.
5. ALICE Collaboration Measurement of the production cross section of prompt Ξc0 baryons at midrapidity in pp collisions at s = 5.02 TeV, JHEP 10 (2021) 159.
Selected Publications(5 papers)
1. ALICE Collaboration, Enhanced production of multi-strange hadrons in high-multiplicity proton-proton collisions,Nature Physics13 (2017) 535.
2 .ALICE Collaboration, Elliptic flow of identified hadrons in Pb-Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV,JHEP06(2015)190.
3. H. Muller, R. Pimenta, Z. Yinet al., Configurable electronics with low noise and 14-bit dynamic range for photodiode-based photon detectors,Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A565 (2006) 768-783.
4. BRAHMS Collaboration, Quark gluon plasma and color glass condensate at RHIC? The Perspective from the BRAHMS experiment,Nucl.Phys. A757 (2005) 1-27.
5. BRAHMS Collaboration, Transverse momentum spectra in Au+Au and d+Au collisions at 200 GeV and the pseudorapidity dependence of high pT suppression,Phys. Rev. Lett.91 (2003) 072305.