Hua Pei Professor




Hua Pei has kept cooperation with multiple international high-energy nuclear physics experiments since 2002, including the RIHC-PHENIX and RHIC-STAR at Brookhaven National Laboratory at U.S.A., and the LHC-ALICE at CERN. His research focuses on the high-energy jets to explore the properties ofquark-gluon plasma, which is believed to relate to the Big Bang at its first few micro-seconds. He also attends a few detectors R&D in those experiments, including the silicon vertex detector of PHENIX-VTX and the foward silicon calorimeter of ALICE-FOCAL. In addition to international cooperation, he is also active in domestic science project based on silicon lab at CCNU and heavy-ion storage at CSR-HIRFL of IMP, including the external target experiment of CEE at Lanzhou.


2008,Ph.D. in Physics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, U.S.A.

2000, B.S. in Physics and B.S. in Computer Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China.

Professional Experience

2021 – present, Professor, Central China Normal University, China

2013 – 2021, Associate Professor, Central China Normal University, China

2009–2012, Postdoctoral, University of Illinois at Chicago, U.S.A.

2008, Postdoctoral, Iowa State University, U.S.A.

Recent Publications (5 years)

1. Qi‑Ye Shou, Yu‑Gang Ma, Song Zhang, Jian‑Hui Zhu, Ya‑Xian Mao, Hua Pei, Zhong‑Bao Yin, Xiao‑Ming Zhang, Dai‑Cui Zhou, Xin‑Ye Peng, Xiao‑Zhi Bai, Ze‑Bo Tang, Yi‑Fei Zhang, Xiao‑Mei Li, “Properties of QCD matter: a review of selected results from ALICE experiment,” Nuclear Science and Techniques (2024) 35:219.

2. Hua Pei with ALICE Collaboration,“Jet-like correlations with respect to K0S and Lambda in pp and central Pb–Pb collisions at√sNN = 5.02 TeV,”Eur. Phys. J. C (2023) 83:497.

3. Hua Pei with ALICE Collaboration,“Multiplicity dependence of charged-particle jet production in pp collisions at√s = 13 TeV,”Eur. Phys. J. C (2022) 82:514.

4. Hua Pei with ALICE Collaboration,“Underlying event properties in pp collisions at√s = 13 TeV,”JHEP04(2020)192.

5. Biao Zhang, Li‑Ke Liu, Hua Pei, Shu‑Su Shi, Nu Xu, Ya‑Ping Wang, " Classifier for centrality determination with zero‑degree calorimeter at the cooling‑storage‑ring external‑target experiment," Nuclear Science and Techniques (2023) 34:176.

6. Li‑Ke Liu, Hua Pei, Ya‑Ping Wang, Biao Zhang, Nu Xu, Shu‑Su Shi, "Event plane determination from the zero degree calorimeter at the cooling storage ring external‑target experiment," Nuclear Science and Techniques (2023) 34:100.

7. Haibo Yang , Shucai Wan, Xianqin Li, Sihan Zhu, Honghui Zhang , Hua Pei, Yuhong Yu, Jieyu Zhu, Shun Liao , Yaping Wang, Ping Yang, Feng Liu, Guangming Huang, and Chengxin Zhao , Member, IEEE, "Readout Electronics for the Zero Degree Calorimeter at HIRFL-CEE Experiment," IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, VOL. 70, NO. 6, JUNE 2023.

8. Rui-Heng Sima, Xiang-Ming Sun, Xiao-Peng Hao, Hua Pei, Hong Qi, Zhi-Tian Niu, "A novel fast and accurate thermal design method for detector arrays," Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 28 (2021) 101469.

9. S.H. Zhu, H.B. Yang, H. Pei, C.X. Zhao, X.Q. Li and G.M. Huang, "Prototype design of readout electronics for Zero Degree Calorimeter in the HIRFL-CSR externaltarget experiment," 2021 JINST 16 P08014.

10. Zili Li, Yan Fan, Zhen Wang, Jun Liu, Xiangming Sun, Chengxin Zhao, Hua Pei, Dong Wang, Guangming Huang, Dongliang Zhang, Daming Sun, Ping Yang, Chaosong Gao, Le Xiao, "A new method for directly locating single-event latchups using silicon pixel sensors in a gas detector," Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 962 (2020) 163697.

11. Weiping Ren, Dongliang Zhang, Xiangming Sun, Guangming Huang, Jun Liu, Le Xiao, Chaosong Gao, Hua Pei, Xing Huang, Wei Zhou, Bihui You, Ping Yang, " Design and initial characterization of MIC4, the monolithic active pixel sensor prototype for CEPC vertex detector," Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 978 (2020) 164354.

12. Weiping Ren, Wei Zhou, Bihui You, Ni Fang, Yan Wang, Haibo Yang, Honglin Zhang, Yao Wang, Jun Liu, Xianqin Li, Ping Yang, Le Xiao, Yuezhao Zhang, Xiangru Qu, Shuguang Zou, Guangming Huang, Hua Pei, Fan Shen, Dong Wang, Xiaoyang Niu, Yuan Mei, Yubo Han, Chaosong Gao, Xiangming Sun, Chengxin Zhao, " Topmetal-M: A novel pixel sensor for compact tracking applications," Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 981 (2020) 164557.