Gong Chang's main research focus is the theoretical investigation of the production mechanisms and decay properties of novel and exotic hadronic states. His research interests include low-energy strong interactions, hadron spectroscopy, effective field theory, and more.
2019,Ph.D. in Physics,PekingUniversity,China.
2014, B.S. in Physics, Central China Normal University, China
Professional Experience
2013– present,lecturer, Central China Normal University, China
2019-1022, Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of High-energy Physics, Beijing, China
Recent Publications (5 years)
1. Ming-Xiao Duan, Chang Gong, Lin Qiu, Qiang Zhao, J/ψphotoproduction near threshold and signals for the hidden charm pentaquarks, arXiv:2409.10364 [hep-ph] (2024)
2. Lin Qiu, Chang Gong, Qiang Zhao, Coupled-channel description of charmed heavy hadronic molecules within the meson-exchange model and its implication,Phys.Rev.D 109(2024) 7, 076016
3. Chang Gong, Meng-Chuan Du, Qiang Zhao,Pseudoscalar charmonium pair interactions via the Pomeron exchange mechanism,Phys. Rev. D.106.054011(2022)
4. Chang Gong, Meng-Chuan Du, Bin Zhou, Qiang Zhao, Xian-Hui Zhong, Nature of X(6900) and its production mechanism at LHCb, Phys.Lett.B824 (2022) 136794)
Selected Publications
1. Chang Gong, Bo-Qiang Ma, Nuclear EMC effect through (Lambda)over-bar/Lambda production in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering processes,Phys.Rev.C97 (2018) no.6, 065207
2. Chang Gong, Meng-Chuan Du, Bin Zhou, Qiang Zhao, Xian-Hui Zhong, Nature of X(6900) and its production mechanism at LHCb, Phys.Lett.B824 (2022) 136794)