Hulin Wang Associate Professor




Hulin Wang is an associate professor at Central China Normal University (CCNU). His research involves physics programs at collider and neutrino experiments, and pixel detector development. During PhD and postdoc periods, he played leading roles in a number of ATLAS physics analyses, particularly the measurements and searches for new physics using diboson and multiboson signatures. His current research consists of the pixel detector developments and physics programs in several experiments, including NvDEx (neutrinoless double beta decay experiment), CEE (heavy-ion collider), and single-event effect test facility.


2007 – 2012, PhD in Physics, University of Science and Technology of China

2003 – 2007, BS in Physics, University of Science and Technology of China

Professional Experience

2020– present, Associate Professor, Central China Normal University

2016–2019,Postdoc, University of Alberta, Canada

2012– 2016, Postdoc, Southern Methodist University, USA