Xiao-Kang Zhou is currently an associateProfessor at Central China Normal University (CCNU).His research direction istheparticlephysicsexperiments. He is the member of BESIII and LHCb.Hismainlyresearch interested has been onflavour physics, especially charm physics, including exotic states, charm meson and baryon decays, quantum-correlation study in charm physics,neutral charm meson mixing and CP violation, measurement of the CKM angle gamma, et al. He also joint the LHCb upgradeII work, have some study on the software and hardware of the Upstream tracker, and the particle identification of the next Super tau-charm factory.
2014,Ph.D. in Physics, University ofChinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,China.
2008, B.S. in Physics,JilinUniversity,Changchun, China.
Professional Experience
2022– present,associateProfessor, Central China Normal University,Wuhan,China
2018–2022, Special Research Assistant,University ofChinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
2014 –2018,post-doc, specially-Appointed Associate Research Fellow,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei, China
Honors and Awards
2016, The3rd"Zhao Zhongyao Research Award", China
2014, The1st "Zhao Zhongyao Research Award", China
Recent Publications (5 years)
1. R. Aaij et al. [LHCb Collaboration],“Evidence for the B0->D(*)phi and updated measurements of the branching fractions of the Bs-> D(*)phi decays”,JHEP 10 123(2023)
2. R. Aaij et al. [LHCb Collaboration],”Obsevation of the decays B(s)->Ds1(2536)K”,JHEP10 106(2023)
3. D.Ao et al, “Study of the CKM anglegammasensitivity using flavor untagged Bs→D(*)phidecays”,Chin.Phys. C45023003(2021)
4. M. Ablikim et al. [BESIII Collaboration], “Study of Ds+ decay into KSK and KLK final states”,Phys. Rev. D99, 112005(2019)
5. M. Ablikim et al. [BESIII Collaboration], “Observation of Ds+→pnbar and confirmation of its large branching fraction”,Phys. Rev. D99, 031101(R) (2019)
Selected Publications
6. M. Ablikim et al. [BESIII Collaboration], “Evidence for the singly-Cabibbo-suppressed decayLambda_c→petaand search forLambda_c→ppi0”,Phys. Rev. D95, 111102 (2017)
7. M. Ablikim et al. [BESIII Collaboration], “Measurement of Singly Cabibbo Suppressed DecaysLambda_c→ppipiandLambda_c→pKK”,Phys. Rev.Lett.117, 232002(2016).
8. M. Ablikim et al. [BESIII Collaboration], “Measurement of the semileptonic decay D+→eta/eta’enuat BESIII”,Phys. Rev. D97, 092009 (2018)
9. Zhou X K, Liu Q, et al, “Study of Thick Gaseous Electron Multipliers Gain Stability and Some Influencing Factors”,CHIN. PHYS. LETT.31 (2014) 032901
10. M. Ablikim et al. [BESIII Collaboration], “Measurement of the D0→Kp strong phase difference inpsi(3770)→D0D0bar”,Phys.Lett.B734(2014)227.