Wei-Bing Deng Associate Professor





Wei-Bing Deng is currently an associate professor at the Institute of Particle Physics, School of Physics Science and Technology, Central China Normal University. His research focuses on complex systems and related statistical physics problems in fields such as society, finance, biology, engineering technology, and education. For example: Quantitative research on complex human language systems involves statistical processing of large amounts of textual information to quantify and develop theoretical models for the usage patterns of words, characters, or phonemes in human languages; Data mining, modeling, and theoretical analysis of complex financial systems involve uncovering the physical laws underlying high-frequency data in financial systems (stocks, funds, etc.) through methods such as time series analysis, proposing corresponding financial trading models and theories, and explaining and analyzing the universal laws behind financial systems; Exploration of human behaviors with competitive mechanisms, taking sports rankings as an example, reveals universal scaling behaviors in different sports competition systems. By utilizing a winner-takes-all mechanism, mathematical models for sports competitions are proposed, which can generate universal power-law distributions and explain the dynamic behaviors of sports competition systems.


2013,Ph.D. in Physics, ISMANS, Universite du Maine, Le Mans, France.

2008, B.S. in Physics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China.

Professional Experience

2016 – Present, Associate Professor, Central China Normal University, China.

2014 – 2016, Lecturer, Central China Normal University, China.

2013 – 2014, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.

Honors and Awards

2015, Second Prize of the Natural Science Award of Hubei Province.

2022, First Prize in the Teaching Competition for Young Teachers of College Physics Experiment Courses in Hubei Province's Higher Education Institutions.

2023, Top Ten Class Advisors of Central China Normal University.

Recent Publications (5 years)

1. X. N. Chen, F. Y. Liu, W. B. Deng*, S. Y. Chen, J. M. Shen, G. Papp, W. Li and C. B. Yang, Applications of Domain Adversarial Neural Network in phase transition of 3D Potts model,Physica A637 (2024) 129533.

2. I. Doi, W. B. Deng*, and T. Ikegami, Spontaneous and information‑induced bursting activities in honeybee hives,Scientific Reports, 13 (2023) 11015.

3. R. R. Xie, S. F. Deng, W. B. Deng* and M. P. Pato, Disordered beta thinned ensemble with applications,Phys.Rev. E, 104 (2021) 054144.

4. W. J. Zhang, W. Li, and W. B. Deng*, The characteristics of cycle-nodes-ratio and its application to network classification,Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat99 (2021) 105804.

5. W. B. Deng*, R. R. Xie, S. F. Deng, and A. E. Allahverdyan, Two halves of a meaningful text are statistically different,JSTAT1742-5468 (2021) 033413.

Selected Publications

1. W. B. Deng*, W. Li, X. Cai, A. Bulou, and Q. A. Wang, Universal scaling in sports ranking,New Journal of Physics, 14 (2012) 093038.

2. A. E. Allahverdyan, W. B. Deng*, and Q. A. Wang, Explaining Zipf's law via a Mental Lexicon,Phys. Rev. E, 88 (2013) 062804.

3. W. B. Deng*, A. E. Allahverdyan, B. Li and Q. A. Wang, Rank-frequency relation for Chinese characters,EPJB, 87 (2014) 47.

4. R. R. Xie, S. F. Deng, W. B. Deng* and A. E. Allahverdyan, Active Image Restoration,Phys. Rev. E, 98 (2018) 052108.

5. W. J. Zhang, Z. P. Guan, J. Y. Li, Z. Su, W. B. Deng* and W. Li, Chinese cities’ air quality pattern and correlation,JSTAT1742-5468 (2020) 043403.