Hai-Tao Shu Associate Professor





Hai-Tao Shu is currently an Associate Professor at Central China Normal University (CCNU).His research interests include using lattice quantum chromodynamics (LQCD) to compute: (i) hadron structure in the vacuum; (ii) the transport properties of quark-gluon plasma (QGP) produced in high-energy heavy-ion collisions; (iii) hadron properties in the hot medium. He and his collaborators introduced a new method to study the transport properties of QGP, obtaining the heavy quark diffusion coefficient in the QGP in full QCD for the first time, providing crucial input parameter for the phenomenological/transport model to describe the experimental data like RAAand v2. He and his collaborators also confirmed that the evolution of transverse-momentum dependent (TMD) wave functions (WF)/parton distribution functions (PDF) with respective to rapidity is universal via LQCD calculations. Besides, he and his collaborators determined the light-cone nucleon transversity distribution in the continuum and physical mass limit and TMDWFs of pion for the first time. He is also interested in developing LQCD software.


2018,Ph.D. in Physics,Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China.

2014, M.S. in Physics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China.

2008, B.S. in Physics, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China.

Professional Experience

2024 – present, Associate Professor, Central China Normal University, China

2023 – 2024, Research Associate, Brookhaven National Laboratory, US

2021 – 2023, Research Associate, Regensburg University, Bielefeld, Germany

2018 – 2021, Research Associate, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany

Recent Publications (5 years)

1. L. Altenkort, Ddl. Cruz, O. Kaczmarek, GD. Moore, H.-T. Shu , “Lattice B-field correlators for heavy quarks”, Phys.Rev.D 109 (2024) 11, 11

2. L. Altenkort, Ddl. Cruz, O. Kaczmarek, R. Larsen, GD. Moore, Swagato Mukherjee, P. Petreczky, H.-T. Shu, S. Stendebach, “Quark Mass Dependence of Heavy Quark Diffusion Coefficient from Lattice QCD”, Phys.Rev.Lett. 132 (2024) 5, 051902

3. M.-H. Chu, J.-C. He, J. Hua, J. Liang, X.-D. Ji, A. Schafer, H.-T. Shu, Y.-S. Su, J.-H. Wang, W. Wang, Y.-B. Yang, J. Zeng, J.-H. Zhang, Q.-A. Zhang , “Lattice calculation of the intrinsic soft function and the Collins-Soper kernel,” JHEP 08 (2023) 172

4. L. Mazur, D. Bollweg, DA. Clarke, L. Altenkort, O. Kaczmarek, R. Larsen, H.-T. Shu, J. Goswami, P. Scior, H. Sandmeyer, M. Neumann, H. Dick, S. Ali, J. Kim, C. Schmidt, P. Petreczky, Swagato Mukherjee , “SIMULATeQCD: A simple multi-GPU lattice code for QCD calculations,” Comput.Phys.Commun. 300 (2024) 109164

5. M.-H. Chu, J.-C. He, J. Hua, J. Liang, X.-D. Ji, A. Schafer, H.-T. Shu, Y.-S. Su, J.-H. Wang, W. Wang, Y.-B. Yang, J. Zeng, J.-H. Zhang, Q.-A. Zhang , “Transverse-momentum-dependent wave functions of the pion from lattice QCD,” Phys.Rev.D 109 (2024) 9, L091503

6. L. Altenkort, O. Kaczmarek, R. Larsen, Swagato Mukherjee, P. Petreczky, H.-T. Shu, S. Stendebach, “Heavy Quark Diffusion from 2+1 Flavor Lattice QCD with 320 MeV Pion Mass,” Phys.Rev.Lett. 130 (2023) 23, 231902

7. H.-T. Shu, M. Schlemmer, T. Sizmann, A. Vladimirov, L. Walter, M. Engelhardt, A. Schäfer, Y.-B. Yang , “Universality of the Collins-Soper kernel in lattice calculations,” Phys.Rev.D 108 (2023) 7, 074519

8. L. Altenkort, AM. Eller, A. Francis, O. Kaczmarek, L. Mazur, GD. Moore, H.-T. Shu, “Viscosity of pure-glue QCD from the lattice,” Phys.Rev.D 108 (2023) 1, 014503

9. F. Yao, L. Walter, J.-W. Chen, J. Hua, X.-D. Ji, L.-C Jin, S. Lahrtz, L.-Q. Ma, P. Mohanta, A. Schäfer, H.-T. Shu, Y.-S. Su, P. Sun, X.-N. Xiong, Y.-B. Yang, J.-H. Zhang, “Nucleon Transversity Distribution in the Continuum and Physical Mass Limit from Lattice QCD,”Phys.Rev.Lett. 131 (2023) 26, 261901.

10. L. Altenkort, AM. Eller, O. Kaczmarek, L. Mazur, GD. Moore, H.-T. Shu , “Lattice QCD noise reduction for bosonic correlators through blocking,” Phys.Rev.D 105 (2022) 9, 094505.

11. H.-T. Ding, O. Kaczmarek, A.-L. Lorenz, H. Ohno, H. Sandmeyer, H.-T. Shu, “Charm and beauty in the deconfined plasma from quenched lattice QCD,” Phys.Rev.D 104 (2021) 11, 114508.

12. L. Altenkort, AM. Eller, O. Kaczmarek, L. Mazur, GD. Moore, H.-T. Shu , “Sphaleron rate from Euclidean lattice correlators: An exploration,” Phys.Rev.D 103 (2021) 11, 114513.

13. L. Altenkort, AM. Eller, O. Kaczmarek, L. Mazur, GD. Moore, H.-T. Shu, “Heavy quark momentum diffusion from the lattice using gradient flow,” Phys.Rev.D 103 (2021) 1, 014511.

Selected Publications:

1. L. Altenkort, Ddl. Cruz, O. Kaczmarek, R. Larsen, GD. Moore, Swagato Mukherjee, P. Petreczky, H.-T. Shu, S. Stendebach, “Quark Mass Dependence of Heavy Quark Diffusion Coefficient from Lattice QCD”, Phys.Rev.Lett. 132 (2024) 5, 051902

2. L. Mazur, D. Bollweg, DA. Clarke, L. Altenkort, O. Kaczmarek, R. Larsen, H.-T. Shu, J. Goswami, P. Scior, H. Sandmeyer, M. Neumann, H. Dick, S. Ali, J. Kim, C. Schmidt, P. Petreczky, Swagato Mukherjee , “SIMULATeQCD: A simple multi-GPU lattice code for QCD calculations,” Comput.Phys.Commun. 300 (2024) 109164

3. L. Altenkort, O. Kaczmarek, R. Larsen, Swagato Mukherjee, P. Petreczky, H.-T. Shu, S. Stendebach, “Heavy Quark Diffusion from 2+1 Flavor Lattice QCD with 320 MeV Pion Mass,” Phys.Rev.Lett. 130 (2023) 23, 231902

4. H.-T. Shu, M. Schlemmer, T. Sizmann, A. Vladimirov, L. Walter, M. Engelhardt, A. Schäfer, Y.-B. Yang , “Universality of the Collins-Soper kernel in lattice calculations,” Phys.Rev.D 108 (2023) 7, 074519

5. L. Altenkort, AM. Eller, A. Francis, O. Kaczmarek, L. Mazur, GD. Moore, H.-T. Shu, “Viscosity of pure-glue QCD from the lattice,” Phys.Rev.D 108 (2023) 1, 014503