Zhiming Li Associate Professor





ZhimingLi's research focuses on high-energy physics experiments and phenomenology. In recent years, he has concentrated on investigating the Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) phase diagram and the critical points of phase transitions through both experimental work and phenomenological theory. Using data from the RHIC/STAR Beam Energy Scan program, he measured intermittency and worked on analyzing and exploring the high-order moments and intermittency properties observed, employing phenomenological theoretical models. More recently, he has applied machine learning and topological data analysis techniques to examine the topological features of QCD phase transitions. He has led two National Natural Science Foundation projects and contributed significantly to two National Natural Science Foundation key projects and national key research and development initiatives. He has published nearly 40 papers in prominent academic journals, including Physics Letters B, Physical Review C, Physical Review D, and Chinese Physics C. He has also presented at over 30 academic conferences both in China and internationally.


2006,Ph.D. in High Energy&Particle Physics, Central China Normal Universityand Radbound

University Nijmegen.

2002,M.S. in Theoretical Physics,Central China Normal University

2000, B.S. in Physics,Central China Normal University.

Professional Experience

2008.7– present,Associate Professor,Central China Normal University.

2006.7–2008.6,AssistantProfessor,Central China Normal University.

Honors and Awards

2020,ICCM Best Paper Award (Distinguished Paper),China

2003,Huygens Certificaat,The Netherlands

2000,First Prize of Guizishan Physics Award, China

Recent Publications (5 years)

1. Machine learning phase transitions of the three-dimensional Ising universality class, Xiaobing Li, Ranran Guo, Yu Zhou, Kangning Liu, Jia Zhao, Fen Long, Yuanfang Wu, Zhiming Li,Chin. Phys. C47, 034101 (2023).

2. Intermittency of charged particles in the hybrid UrQMD+CMC model at energies available at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, Jin Wu, Zhiming Li, Xiaofeng Luo, Mingmei Xu, and Yuanfang Wu,Phys. Rev. C106, 054905 (2022).

3. Investigations into the characteristics and influences of nonequilibrium evolution, Xiaobing Li, Mingmei Xu, Yanhua Zhang, Zhiming Li, Yu Zhou, Jinghua Fu, Yuanfang Wu,Phys. Rev. C105, 064904 (2022).

4. Measurement methods of radial flow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, Peng Yang, Lin Li, Yu Zhou, Zhiming Li, Mingmei Xu, Yeyin Zhao, and Yuanfang Wu,Phys. Rev. C104, 014901 (2021).

5. Probing QCD critical fluctuations from intermittency analysis in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, Jin Wu, Yufu Lin, Yuanfang Wu, Zhiming Li,Phys. Lett. B801, 135186 (2020).

Selected Publications

1. Energy dependence of intermittency for charged hadrons in Au+Au collisions at RHIC, STAR Coll. (Principal Author),Phys. Lett. B845, 138165 (2023).

2. Overview of intermittency analysis in heavy-ion collisions, Zhiming Li*,Mod. Phys. Lett. A37, 2230009 (2022).

3. Intermittency of charged particles in the hybrid UrQMD+CMC model at energies available at the BNL Relativistic Heavy IonCollider, Jin Wu, Zhiming Li*, Xiaofeng Luo, Mingmei Xu, Yuanfang Wu,Phys. Rev. C, 106, 054905 ( 2022).

4. Probing QCD critical fluctuations from intermittency analysis in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, Jin Wu, Yufu Lin, Yuanfang Wu, Zhiming Li*,Phys. Lett. B801, 135186 (2020).

5. Longitudinal scaling property of the charge balance function in Au + Au collisions at 200 GeV, STAR Coll. (Principal Author),Phys. Lett. B690, 239 (2010).