Professor and Doctoral Supervisor at the School of Physics, Central China Normal University. He obtained his bachelor's and doctoral degrees from the Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, in 2007 and 2012, respectively. From 2012 to 2021, he worked as a postdoc and associate researcher at Brookhaven National Laboratory in the USA, focusing on the research of the liquid argon calorimeter front-end electronics, L1Calo trigger system, and FELIX data acquisition system for the ATLAS upgrade. The FELIX module he led the development of has been widely used in the DAQ systems of multiple experiments, including ATLAS, sPHENIX, CBM, SP-ProtoDUNE, and NA62. In 2021, he joined the School of Physics at Central China Normal University full-time. He has been selected for the National High-Level Talent Youth Program, "Chutian Scholar" Distinguished Professor, Wuhan Talent Industry Leader (Innovation Category), and "Guizi Scholar" at Central China Normal University. His main research directions include: frontier detector readout electronics, trigger and data acquisition systems, precision time and waveform measurement and clock distribution, applications of machine learning in nuclear and particle physics experiments, and custom integrated circuit design. He is currently involved in experiments such as NνDEx, EicC, STCF, LHCb, and sPHENIX, mainly focusing on the development of readout electronics, trigger, and data acquisition systems.
Research Projects
1. US Department of Energy US-ATLAS Phase II Upgrade FELIX Subproject
2. US National Laboratory LDRD Fund, "High-throughput Advanced Data Acquisition for eRHIC, Particle and Cosmology Experiments"
3. Ministry of Science and Technology, National Key R&D Program, "Research on High-Pressure Gas Time Projection Chamber Detection Technology Based on Topmetal Readout"
4. National Natural Science Foundation of China, General Project, "Research on Real-Time Artificial Intelligence Fast Trigger System Based on ATCA Architecture"
Representative Papers
·K. Chen*, Q. Liang, J. Chen. Measurement, 2024
·K. Chen*, L. Lang, D. Zhu, et al. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2024
·L. Lang, Y. Hu, Z. Yu, et al. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2023
·K. Chen*, H. Chen, J. Huang, F. Lanni, S. Tang, W. Wu, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2020
·D. Besin, H. Chen, K. Chen*, et al. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2019
·J. Anderson, K. Bauer, A. Borga, H. Boterenbrood, H. Chen, K. Chen*, G. Drake, et al. Journal of Instrumentation, 2016
·T. Liang, D. Zhang*, H. Wang*, et al. Journal of Instrumentation, 2024
·K. Chen*, X. Song, Z. Yu, et al. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2022
·K. Chen*, S. Tang, H. Chen, et al. Journal of Instrumentation, 2021
·K. Chen*, H. Chen, F. Lanni, et al. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2019
·K. Chen*, H. Chen, W. Wu, et al. Journal of Instrumentation, 2017
·K. Chen, H. Chen, J. Kierstead, et al. Journal of Instrumentation, 2015
Inventions and Patents
·2023, US Patent 11,816,053, "High Bandwidth Reconfigurable Data Acquisition Card"
·2024, ZL202111265419.6, "High-Precision Phase Adjustment and Measurement System and Method Based on Phase Interpolation"
·2024, ZL202410111257.8, "Digital Pulse Generator Based on FPGA High-Speed Transceiver"
Academic Positions
·STCF, Data Acquisition System, Co-Convener, 2023-Present
·EicC, Readout and Data Acquisition System, Co-Convener, 2021-Present
·LHCb, UT Upgrade WP5 (Data Acquisition), Convener, 2024-Present
·US Department of Energy SBIR Fund Review Expert, 2018-2021