Professor at the Institute of Particle Physics, Central China Normal University, and a standing committee member of the High Energy Physics Division of the Chinese Physical Society. He is also the Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Quark and Lepton Physics of the Ministry of Education. Born in 1969 in Loudi, Hunan, he obtained his bachelor's and master's degrees from Nankai University in 1992 and 1995, respectively, and his Ph.D. from the Institute of High Energy Physics in 1998. He then conducted research at the Frascati Laboratory in Italy, CERN, and the University of Edinburgh, focusing on the BaBar and LHCb experiments. In 2013, he joined Central China Normal University, established a particle physics experimental team, and joined the LHCb collaboration while also participating in the BESIII experiment. His main research interests are in heavy flavor physics, focusing on CP violation, rare decays, and spectroscopy of heavy flavor hadrons.
Representative Achievements
·Solved the long-standing double solution problem in the measurement of the mixing phase angle ( \phi_s ) of ( B_s ) mesons, achieving the world's most precise measurement of ( \phi_s ).
·First measurement of CP violation in the ( B_s \rightarrow \phi \phi ) decay process.
·First evidence of direct CP violation in bottom hadron to charmonium decays.
·Proposed a method for measuring photon polarization in the ( B_s \rightarrow \phi \gamma ) process.
·First measurement of the lifetime of the doubly charmed baryon ( \Xi_{cc}^{++} ).
·Proposed the sFit statistical analysis method, widely adopted in LHCb data analysis.
·Served as the convener of the "Bottom Hadron to Charmonium Decays" physics working group and a member of the LHCb paper committee. Selected as a "Chutian Scholar" Distinguished Professor and a "Hundred Talents Program" Distinguished Expert in Hubei Province.
Courses Taught
·Introduction to Particle Physics (Undergraduate)
·Methods of Data Analysis in Particle Physics Experiments (Graduate)
·Advances in Particle Physics (Doctoral)
Representative Papers:
1. LHCb Collaboration (Y. Xie et al.), Precision measurement of CP violation in the penguin-mediated decay ( B_s^0 \rightarrow \phi \phi ) decay, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131 (2023) 171802 [Cited 14 times]
2. LHCb Collaboration (Y. Xie et al.), Measurement of the lifetime of the doubly charmed baryon ( \Xi_{cc}^{++} ), Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 (2018) 052002 [Cited 128 times]
3. LHCb Collaboration (Y. Xie et al.), Precision measurement of CP violation in the decay ( B_s^0 \rightarrow J/\psi K^+ K^- ) decay, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 (2015) 041801 [Cited 250 times]
4. LHCb Collaboration (Y. Xie et al.), Determination of the sign of the decay width difference in the ( B_s^0 ) system, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 241801 [Cited 136 times]
5. F. Muheim, Y. Xie, R. Zwicky, Exploiting the width difference in ( B_s^0 \rightarrow \phi \gamma ), Phys. Lett. B 664 (2008) 17 [Cited 103 times]
6. Y. Xie, sFit: a method for background subtraction in maximum likelihood fit, arXiv:0905.0724 [Cited 111 times]
Research Projects
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Key Project, 12435003, "High-Precision Measurement of CP Violation and New Physics Exploration after LHCb Upgrade," 2025-01 to 2029-12, 2.39 million RMB, Principal Investigator
2. National Natural Science Foundation of China, General Project, 12275100, "Searching for New Physics through ( b \rightarrow d ) Flavor-Changing Neutral Current Processes in the LHCb Experiment," 2023-01 to 2026-12, 550,000 RMB, Principal Investigator
3. Ministry of Science and Technology, National Key R&D Program, 2017YFA0402100, "Physics Research of the LHCb Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider," 2017-07 to 2022-06, 7.52 million RMB, Principal Investigator
4. National Natural Science Foundation of China, General Project, 11675062, "Study of CP Violation in Baryon Decays at LHCb," 2017-01 to 2020-12, 760,000 RMB, Principal Investigator
5. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Key Project, 11435003, "Experimental Exploration and Theoretical Study of New Physics Effects Beyond the Standard Model in the Field of Heavy Flavor Physics," 2015-01 to 2019-12, 3.7 million RMB, Principal Investigator