Hang Yin Professor





Professor at the School of Physics, Central China Normal University, and Doctoral Supervisor. His research focuses on high-energy experimental physics and collider physics (LHCb experiment). He is currently the convener of the QEE (QCD, Electroweak, and Exotica) physics group in the LHCb international collaboration at CERN. He graduated with a bachelor's degree from Shandong Normal University in 2005 and obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2010. From 2010 to 2015, he conducted postdoctoral research at Fermilab in the USA. In 2015, he was selected for the National High-Level Talent Youth Program and joined the LHCb team at Central China Normal University full-time, becoming a professor in 2017.

Courses Taught

·Electromagnetism (Undergraduate)

·Introduction to Particle Physics (Graduate)

·Methods of Data Analysis in Particle Physics Experiments (Graduate)

Main Academic Achievements

·He has long been engaged in high-energy hadron collider physics experiments, participating in the D0 experiment at Fermilab's Tevatron collider and the LHCb experiment at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC). His main research areas include precise measurements in electroweak physics and the study of charge-parity (CP) violation in bottom mesons in heavy flavor physics.

·In the D0 experiment, he measured the weak mixing angle ( \sin^2\theta_W ), achieving the world's most precise results for light quark-related processes. He also precisely measured the charge asymmetry of W bosons, providing important input for the fitting of the proton's parton distribution functions (PDFs). As a primary author, he has published five papers in Physical Review Letters (PRL) and two in Physical Review D (PRD), with over 100 citations. As the convener of the D0 electroweak physics group, he promoted the publication of more than ten papers. His contributions have been reported nearly ten times in Fermilab Today's weekly physics reviews.

·At LHCb, he has conducted research on electroweak physics, CP violation in bottom mesons, and the search for double-charm baryons. He was deeply involved in the discovery of the double-charm baryon in 2017 (selected as one of China's Top Ten Scientific Advances in 2017) and made significant contributions to the search for new decay modes of the double-charm baryon. Recently, his research on the production and polarization of Z bosons was reported by the CERN Courier and is expected to have a significant impact on the study of proton PDFs. He also achieved the most precise measurement of the weak mixing angle in the forward region using LHCb Phase II data.

·He has published over 400 research papers in major international academic journals and has been invited to give plenary or invited talks at international conferences more than ten times. He has led the "Youth Thousand Talents" project, general projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and participated as a project leader in key R&D projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2022.

Positions in International Collaborations

·2011-2012: D0 International Collaboration, W and Z Boson Properties Measurement Group (subgroup)

·2011-2014: D0 International Collaboration, Electromagnetic Calorimeter Calibration Group (subgroup)

·2012-2014: D0 International Collaboration, Electroweak Physics Group (group)

·2017-2019: LHCb International Collaboration, Electroweak Physics and Top Quark Physics Group (subgroup)

·2023-2025: LHCb International Collaboration, QEE Physics Group (group)