Weiyao KE Professor





Weiyao Ke obtained his Ph.D in nuclear theory from Duke University in 2019. His field of research is theoretical high-energy nuclear physics and is focused on the phenomenology of relativistic heavy-ion collisions and electron-ion collisions. His research interests include the development of effective theory for jet-medium interactions, partonic transport theory at finite temperature, and relativistic hydrodynamics and kinetic theory. He has developed the partonic transport simulation program LIDO for the study of jet and heavy quark propagation in the quark-gluon plasma and the eHIJING jet event generator for electron-nucleus collisions. These programs have greatly facilitated the examination of QCD theory using data from high-energy nuclear collisions. Meanwhile, he also uses advanced statistical techniques and machine learning methods to systemize the comparison of data and dynamical models, which enables the phenomenological determination of the properties of the nuclear matter under extreme conditions.


2019,Duke University, Ph.D., Nuclear Theory.

2014,Peking University, BSc, Physics.

Professional Experience

2023 – current,Professor at Central China Normal University.

2021 – 2023, Postdoctoral Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory, United States

2019 – 2021,Postdoctoral Scholar at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley, United States.

Honors and Awards

2023, Central China Normal University, Gui Zi Scholar.

2021, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Director’s Postdoctoral Fellowship.

Selected Publications in the Past Five Years

1. Weiyao Ke, Ivan Vitev Understanding parton evolution in matter from renormalization group analysis,Physics Letters B 854, 138751 (2024).

2. Weiyao Ke, John Terry, Ivan Vitev, Toward a first-principles description of transverse momentum depen-dent Drell-Yan production in proton-nucleus collisions, arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.10310 (2024), submitted to Journal of High Energy Physics.

3. Weiyao Ke, Yuan-Yuan Zhang, Hongxi Xing, Xin-Nian Wang, Event generator for jet tomography in electron-ion collisions, Physical Review D 110, 034001 (2024).

4. Weiyao Ke, Yi Yin, Does a Quark-Gluon Plasma Feature an Extended Hydrodynamic Regime?, Physical Review Letters 130, 212303 (2023).

5. Weiyao Ke, Yi Yin, Non-hydrodynamic response in QCD-like plasma Journal of High Energy Physics 05, 171 (2024).

6. Man Xie, Weiyao Ke, Hanzhong Zhang, Xin-Nian Wang, Information-field-based global Bayesian inference of the jet transport coefficient, Physical Review C 108, L011901 (2023).

7. Derek Everett, Weiyao Ke, J-F Paquet, G Vujanovic et al. (JETSCAPE Collaboration), Phenomenological constraints on the transport properties of QCD matter with data-driven model averaging, Physical review letters 126, 0242301 (2021).

8. Derek Everett, Weiyao Ke, J-F Paquet, G Vujanovic et al. (JETSCAPE Collaboration), Multisystem Bayesian constraints on the transport coefficients of QCD matter, Physical Review C 103, 054904 (2021).

9. Weiyao Ke, Xin-Nian Wang, QGP modification to single inclusive jets in a calibrated transport model Journal of High Energy Physics 05, 041 (2021).

10. Weiyao Ke, Yingru Xu, Steffen A Bass, Modified Boltzmann approach for modeling the splitting vertices induced by the hot QCD medium in the deep Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal region, Physical Review C 100, 064911 (2019).

Representative publications

1. Weiyao Ke, Ivan Vitev Understanding parton evolution in matter from renormalization group analysis, Physics Letters B 854, 138751 (2024).

2. Weiyao Ke, Yuan-Yuan Zhang, Hongxi Xing, Xin-Nian Wang, Event generator for jet tomography in electron-ion collisions, Physical Review D 110, 034001 (2024).

3. Weiyao Ke, Yi Yin, Does a Quark-Gluon Plasma Feature an Extended Hydrodynamic Regime?, Physical Review Letters 130, 212303 (2023).

4. Weiyao Ke, Xin-Nian Wang, QGP modification to single inclusive jets in a calibrated transport model Journal of High Energy Physics 05, 041 (2021).

5. Derek Everett, Weiyao Ke, J-F Paquet, G Vujanovic et al. (JETSCAPE Collaboration), Phenomenological constraints on the transport properties of QCD matter with data-driven model averaging, Physical review letters 126, 0242301 (2021).