Xiang-Ming Sun Professor





Sun Xiangming independently developed Topmetal series of pixel chips, and carried out a number of research and development around the application of silicon pixel chips: TOPMETAL-S, a single-electrode sensor designed for neutrino-free double-beta decay experiment, can achieve high energy resolution and high spatial resolution under the premise of ensuring stability, uniformity and scalability; A large-area improved chip Topmetal-M is designed, with pixel density increased by 4 times, detection area increased by 9 times, and all key performance indexes are up to or better than similar foreign chips. The beam monitoring system based on the self-developed Topmetal silicon pixel sensor has high sensitivity, can monitor low-intensity beam, position resolution can reach tens of microns, no electrode blocking and radiation damage, and can be used for the next generation of cancer treatment and beam monitoring of external target experiments. Topmetal-II is specially designed for low noise and low background experiments, which can work in liquid nitrogen environment. It is the electrode array with the lowest noise in the world and can collect charge, and realizes the imaging of photoelectron track. The imaging quality meets the requirements of X-ray polarization measurement, and gets rid of the dependence on foreign silicon pixel readout chips in X-ray polarization detection.


2008,Ph.D,in Physics, Institute of High-energy Physics, Beijing, China.

2003, B.S. in Physics, Shandong University, Jinan, China.

Professional Experience

2011 – present, Professor, Central China Normal University, China

2008-2011,Postdoc,STAR PXL, University of California Berkeley, US

Honors and Awards

2022, Central China Normal University"Guizi Scholar"

2018, "Chutian Science and Technology Star"

2016, "Outstanding Young Talent of Hubei Province"

Recent Publications (5 years)

1. Liu Yanliang; Gao Chaosong;andSun Xiangming*;Dynamic X-ray imaging with screen-printed perovskite CMOS array,Nature Communications | (2024) 15:1588

2. Qiangjun Chen;Quan Sun;andSun Xiangming*;A 14-Gb/s VCSEL Driver in 65-nm CMOS With a Power-Efficient Driving Structure for Particle Physics Experiments,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, VOL. 70, NO. 6, JUNE 2023

3. C. Zhao;Q. Chen;andSun Xiangming*;A 14 Gbps VCSEL driving ASIC in 55 nm for NICA multi purpose detector project,2022 JINST 17 C08021

4. Li Zili; Feng Huanbo;Preliminary test of topmetal-II−sensor for X-ray polarization measurements,Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 1008 (2021) 165430

5. Li,Zili; Fan,Yan;andSun Xiangming*; A new method for directly locating single-event latchups using silicon pixel sensors in a gas detector,Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 962 (2020) 163697

6. Ren, Weiping; Zhou, Wei; and Sun Xiangming* ; Topmetal-M: A novel pixel sensor for compact tracking applications,Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 981 (2020) 164557

Selected Publications

1. Liu Yanliang; Gao Chaosong;andSun Xiangming*; Dynamic X-ray imaging with screen-printed perovskite CMOSarray, Nature Communications, 2024, 15(1588)

2. Ren, Weiping; Zhou, Wei; and Sun Xiangming* ; Topmetal-M: A novel pixel sensor for compacttracking applications, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 981 (2020) 164557

3. Li Zili; Feng Huanbo;and Sun Xiangming* ; Preliminary test of topmetalII[formula omitted] sensor for X-ray polarization measurements, Nuclear Instruments and Methodsin Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,2021, 1008.

4. Li,Zili; Fan,Yan;andSun Xiangming*; A new method fordirectly locating single-event latchups using silicon pixel sensors in a gas detector, NuclearInst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 2020, 962).

5. Ren, Weiping; Zhang, Dongliang;andSun Xiangming*; Design and initialcharacterization of MIC4, the monolithic active pixel sensor prototype for CEPC vertex detector,Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers,Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2020, 978