Jing-Hua Fu is currently a professor at Central China Normal University (CCNU). Her research focuses on high-energy heavy-ion collisions, phase transitions, and critical phenomena. In her early days, she participated in the RHIC-STAR experiment and completed the experimental analysis of the elliptic flow of strange particles Ks and Λ in Au + Au collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 130 GeV. After that, she mainly focused on the fluctuation and correlation phenomena in the thermal model and the hydrodynamics model. These include net charge fluctuations, particle ratio fluctuations, high-moments of net proton multiplicity distributions, and the initial geometry fluctuations in the hydrodynamics model.In recent years, she has been mainly focused on the numerical simulation of classical and quantum phase transitions.
2002,Ph.D. in Physics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China.
1997, B.S. in Physics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China.
Professional Experience:
2006 – present, Professor, Central China Normal University,Wuhan,China.
2003 – 2005, Postdoctoral Fellow,Tsinghua University,Beijing, China.
2002 – 2005,Lecturer/AssociateProfessor,Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China.
Honors and Awards
2005, National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award
Selected Publications:
1. Fu Jinghua, “Higher moments of multiplicity fluctuations in a hadron-resonance gas with exact conservation law,”Phys. Rev. C96, 034905 (2017).
2. Fu Jinghua,“Centrality dependence of mapping the hydrodynamic response to the initial geometry in heavy-ion collisions,”Phys. Rev. C92, 024904 (2015).
3. Fu Jinghua, “Higher moments of net-proton multiplicity distributions in heavy ion collisions at chemical freeze-out,”Phys. Lett. B722, 144 (2013).
4. Fu Jinghua, “Statistical model analysis of K/pi and p/pi fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions,”Phys. Lett.B 679, 209 (2009).
5. STAR Collaboration, “Azimuthalanisotropy of Ks andLproduction at midrapidity from Au + Au collisions at root(sNN)=130GeV,”Phys. Rev. Lett89, 132301 (2002).