Xiaoming Zhang Professor





Xiaoming Zhang, Full professor and Ph.D. Supervisor, College of Physics Science and Technology, Central China Normal University (CCNU)

Team leader of the CCNU ALICE team, deputy team Leader of the CCNU CBM group

Research Areas: Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics

Research Focus: High-energy Nuclear Physics Experiment

Professor Zhang is dedicated to the ALICE experiment at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC), focusing on experimental and phenomenological studies of quark matter properties at the TeV frontier. As a core author, he has published over 40 papers, including four in Phys. Rev. Lett., with over 2,000 citations. He has led cutting-edge research on topics such as heavy quark decay muons, non-prompt charm hadrons, and strange chemical compositions in high-energy jets with ALICE. His work has contributed to high-precision imaging of the inner structure of quark matter, accurate calibration of heavy quark transport coefficients, and the discovery of new physical phenomena in small system collisions. He has made significant contributions to the ALICE detector upgrade.

He hasawarded bynational and provincial talent projects, serves as the chair of a national key R&D projects, and has led several National Natural Science Foundation projects, including general and youth funds. He was awarded the title of "Guizi Young Scholar" by CCNU and has led the university's talent-enhancement projects. In 2014, he received the "Best PhD Thesis Award" from the Sino-French Joint Particle Physics Laboratory (FCPPL).


·2012: Ph.D.,Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics, University of Clermont-Fd,France

·2009: M.Sc., Theoretical Physics,Central China Normal University

·2007: B.Sc., the National Base for the Fundamental Sciences Research and Training for high-level talents inPhysics,Central China Normal University

Professional Experience

·Jun. 2022– Present:Full professor,College of Physics Science and Technology, Central China Normal University

·Dec. 2017–May 2022:Associate professor,College of Physics Science and Technology, Central China Normal University

·Jan. 2016–Dec 2017:Project associate, The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)

·Jan. 2013–Dec. 2015:Postdoctoral Researcher, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory(LBNL), USA

·Sept. 2012–Dec. 2012: Postdoctoral Researcher, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), France

Served in the ALICE Collaboration

·Jun. 2022 –Present, member of the ALICE Resource Board

·Dec. 2020 –Present, member of the ALICE Collaboration Board

·Nov. 2018 – Feb. 2021, member of the ALICE Physics Board

·Feb. 2019 – Jan. 2021,convener of the ALICE Physics Working Group on“HeavyFlavours”

·Jan. 2016 – Dec. 2017,contact person of the silicon chip characterization on the ALICE detector upgrade project

·Jun. 2015 – May 2022,physics analysis contact person on the ALICE MUON detector

·Jun. 2015 – Jan. 2019,coordinator of the ALICE Physics Analysis Group on“Heavy-FlavourMuons”

Academic Service

·Expertreviewer forprojects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)

·Expertpoolmember of the Ministry of Educationof Chinafor Graduate Education Evaluation and Monitoring

·Scientificcommitteemember of China LHC Physics (CLHCP)

·Scientificcommitteemember of the French-ChinaParticle Physics Laboratory (FCPPL)

·Organizingcommitteememberof the International TeV Physics Summer School (iSTEP)

·Reviewer for journals includingPhys. Lett.B,Chin. Phys.C,Nucl. Tech., andNucl. Phys. Rev.

SelectedPlenary Talks at International Conferences

·The 22nd Conference on Flavor Physics and CP Violation (FPCP 2024, Thailand)

·The 14th Workshop on QCD Phase Transition and Relativistic Heavy-Ion Physics (QPT 2021, China)

·The 17th Conference on Nuclear Physics of China (CNPC 2019, China)

·The 9th International Workshop on Charm Physics (CHARM 2018, Russian)

·The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics 2017 (HES-HEP 2017, Italy)

·The 8th International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High-energy Nuclear Collisions (Hard Probes 2016, China)

·The 5th Asian Heavy Ion Conference (ATHIC 2014, Japan)

Selected Recent Publications

(For the complete list, see:https://inspirehep.net/authors/1074430?ui-citation-summary=true)

1. ALICE Collaboration, "Measurement of beauty production via non-prompt charm hadrons in p–Pb collisions at √sNN= 5.02 TeV",JHEP2411(2024) 148

2. ALICE Collaboration, "Probing the effects of strong electromagnetic fields with charge-dependent directed flow in Pb–Pb collisions at the LHC",Phys. Rev. Lett.125(2020) 022301

3. ALICE Collaboration, "Azimuthal anisotropy of heavy-flavour decay electrons in p–Pb collisions at √sNN= 5.02 TeV",Phys. Rev. Lett.122(2019) 072301

4. ALICE Collaboration, "D-meson azimuthal anisotropy in midcentral Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN= 5.02 TeV",Phys. Rev. Lett.120(2018) 102310

5. ALICE Collaboration, "Production of muons from heavy flavour decays at forward rapidity in pp and Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN= 2.76 TeV",Phys. Rev. Lett.109(2012) 112301