Xin-Nian Wang is currently a Bo Ya Chair Professor and the Director of the Institute of Particle Physics at Central China Normal University (CCNU).His research interested has been on the theoretical and phenomenological study of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. His work in understanding howenergeticpartons propagate in the QGP and how they can be used as hard probes of the properties of QGP is instrumental in the experimental discovery of the strongly interacting QGP. His work on quark spin polarization due to the vorticity in a QGP fluid led to the experimental discoveryofQGP in high-energy nuclear collisionsasthe most vortical fluid observed in nature. He developed the HIJING Monte Carlo model that has been used worldwide for both theoretical and experimental studies of high-energy nuclear collisions. He led the JET Collaboration for first precision extraction of the transport coefficients of fastpartons.He recently also led the development of Linear Boltzmann Transport (LBT), CLVisc relativistic hydrodynamics and Coupled LBT (CoLBT) model for jet propagation and medium response, and continues to study properties of QGP,` using Mach-cones induced by fast partons, advanced machine learning (ML) and ML-assisted jet tomography. He has also trained many younger scientists over past 30 years.
1989,Ph.D. in Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.
1984, M.S. in Physics, Institute of High-energy Physics, Beijing, China.
1982, B.S. in Physics, Shandong University, Jinan, China.
Professional Experience
2011 – present, Bo Ya Chair Professor, Central China Normal University, China
2016 – present. Exceptional Principal Investigator, University of California Berkeley, US
1999–2007,Headof the Nuclear Theory Program, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US
1997 – 2024, Senior Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US
1992 – 1997, Divisional Fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US
1990 – 1992 Research Associate/Lecturer, Duke University, US
1989 – 1990, Postdoctoral Fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US
1985 – 1989, Research Assistant, University of Oregon, US
1984 – 1985, Assistant Researcher, Institute of High-energy Physics, Beijing, China
Honors and Awards
2024, Humboldt Research Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany
2011, 1000-plan Professor, Central China Normal University, China
2009, Ten Outstanding Alumni, Shandong University, China
2003, Outstanding Team Research Award, Polish Minister of National Education, Poland
2002, APS Fellow, American Physical Society, US
2000, Changjiang Visiting Professor, Shandong University, China
2000, Overseas Outstanding Young Researcher B, National Science Foundation of China, China
1991, Second Prize Award in Natural Science, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Recent Publications (5 years)
1. Z. Yang, Y. He, I. Moult and X.-N. Wang*, “Probing the Short-Distance Structure of the Quark-Gluon Plasma with Energy Correlators,”Phys. Rev. Lett.132, no.1, 1 (2024).
2. Z. Yang, T. Luo, W. Chen, L. G. Pang and X.-N. Wang, “3D Structure of Jet-Induced Diffusion Wake in an Expanding Quark-Gluon Plasma,”Phys. Rev. Lett.130, no.5, 052301 (2023).
3. W. Zhao, W. Ke, W. Chen, T. Luo and X.-N. Wang*, “From Hydrodynamics to Jet Quenching, Coalescence, and Hadron Cascade: A Coupled Approach to Solving the RAAxv2 Puzzle,”Phys. Rev. Lett.128, no.2, 022302 (2022).
4. W. Chen, Z. Yang*, Y. He, W. Ke, L. Pang and X.-N. Wang*, “Search for the Elusive Jet-Induced Diffusion Wake in Z/g-Jets with 2D Jet Tomography in High-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions,”Phys. Rev. Lett.127, no.8, 082301 (2021).
5. Y. He, L. G. Pang and X.-N. Wang*, “Gradient Tomography of Jet Quenching in Heavy-Ion Collisions,”Phys. Rev. Lett.125, no.12, 122301 (2020)
Selected Publications:
1. S. Cao and X.-N.Wang,“Jet quenching and medium response in high-energy heavy-ion collisions: a review,”Rept. Prog. Phys.84, no.2, 024301 (2021).
2. Z. T. Liang and X.-N. Wang*, “Globally polarized quark-gluon plasma in non-central A+A collisions,”Phys. Rev. Lett.94, 102301 (2005).
3. X. F. Guo and X.-N. Wang, “Multiple scattering, parton energy loss and modified fragmentation functions in deeply inelastic eA scattering,”Phys. Rev. Lett.85, 3591 (2000).
4. X.-N. Wang* and M. Gyulassy, “Gluon shadowing and jet quenching in A + A collisions at s**(1/2) = 200-GeV,”Phys. Rev. Lett.68, 1480 (1992).
5. X.-N. Wang* and M.Gyulassy, “HIJING: A Monte Carlo model for multiple jet production in pp, pA and AA collision,”Phys. Rev. D44, 3501 (1991).