Zhou Daimei, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor. Since 1998,she has been engaged in the study and research of the phenomenological theory of high-energy heavy ion collisions.She is a core member of the PACIAE theoretical model group, and has been supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China for many times. It has good cooperation and exchanges with the University of Bergen in Norway, the University of Oslo and theSuranareeUniversity of Technology in Thailand.
2003,Ph.D. in Physics,Central China NormalUniversity,Wuhan, China.
1998, B.S. in Physics,Central China NormalUniversity,Wuhan, China.
Professional Experience
2012– present, Professor, Central China Normal University
2004–2012, Associate Professor,Central China Normal University
2003–2004,Research Associate/Lecturer,Central China Normal University
Recent Publications (5 years)
1. Zhi-Lei She*,An-Ke Lei,Yu-Liang Yan,Dai-Mei Zhou*,Wen-Chao Zhang, Hua Zheng, Liang Zheng,Yi-Long Xie, Gang Chen, and Ben-Hao Sa,Identifying an X(3872) tetraquark state versus a molecular state by formation time, velocity, and temperature in relativistic nuclear collisions,Phys.Rev.C 110, 014910 (2024)
2. An-Ke Lei, Dai-Mei Zhou*, Yu-Liang Yan, ...,Systematic study of hadrons and their quark-component nuclear modification factors,Phys. Rev. C 107, 054914 (2023)
3. An-Ke Lei ,Yu-Liang Yan,Dai-Mei Zhou†,...,Introduction to the parton and hadron cascade model PACIAE 3.0,Phys. Rev. C 108, 064909 (2023)
4. An-Ke Lei, Dai-Mei Zhou*, Yu-Liang Yan,..., Linear scaling of lepton charge asymmetry in Wproduction in ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions from PACIAE model, Modern Physics Letters A (2023) 2350051
5. Dai-Mei Zhou*, Liang Zheng, Yu-Liang Yan, Zhi-hong Song, Gang Chen , Xiao-Mei Li, Xu Cai, and Ben-Hao Sa, Impact of single string structure and multiple string interaction on strangeness production inPb+Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV,Phys. Rev. C 102, 044903 (2020)