We would like to call for proposals of both long programs and short meetings at C3NT for 2026. The proposals should consist of one page motivation/description, names of organizers and a tentative list of potential participants (optional). C3NT will provide financial support for international travel for all organizers (up to 6) and local support (hotel and meals) for all participants (up to 40). Limited travel support is also available for a few special participants.
Please send your proposal to xnwang@ccnu.edu.cn or lgpang@ccnu.edu.cn before May 12, 2025, in order to be considered at the next meeting of Board of Directors.
C3NT currently supports two long programs (2-3 weeks) and two short meetings (2-3 days) each year in the area of Nuclear structure, Nuclear matter under extreme conditions, Hadron physics, Nuclear astrophysics and fundamental symmetry, Quantum computing and AI in nuclear physics. We have already two long programs and one short meeting lined up for 2025.