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IOPP Forum: Xiaoxuan Chu,10:00 am,Jan.17,2017, Tuesday

Time: 10:00 am,Jan.17,2017, Tuesday

Place: 9409

Speaker:Xiaoxuan Chu (CCNU/BNL)

Title: Studying the photon Structure at EIC


A future Electron Ion Collider (EIC) will deliver luminosities of 1033 - 1034 cm-2s-1 for collisions of polarized electrons and protons and heavy ions over a wide range of center-of-mass energies (20 GeV to 140 GeV).

One of its promising physics programs is to study the partonic structure of quasi-real photons. Measuring di-jets in photoproduction events, one can effectively access the underlying parton dynamics of the photons through selecting the resolved photon processes. In this talk, we discuss the feasibility of tagging resolved photon processes and measuring the di-jet cross section as a function of jet transverse momentum in ranges of xϒrec at an EIC. It will be shown that both unpolarized and polarized parton distributions in the photon can be extracted as well as that the flavor of the parton can be tagged at an EIC. Also, probing the flavor of the parton from the photon is performed by tagging leading charged hadron inside the jets from the photon.

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