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IOPP forum: Dr Giovanni Passaleva, INFN-Firenze and CERN, LHCbSpokesperson, July 13 (Friday), 4:00pm, Room 9409

Time & Place: July 13 (Friday), 4:00pm, Room 9409

Title: Status and future upgrades of the LHCb experiment

Dr Giovanni Passaleva, INFN-Firenze and CERN, LHCb Spokesperson

Abstract: The LHCb experiment at the Large Hadron Collider is dedicated
to the study of hadrons containing a beauty or charm quark. Since the
start of operation in 2009, LHCb has achieved a series of important
results in  heavy flavor physics.  The current status of LHCb detector
operation and physics exploitation is reported in this presentation.
Also discussed are the future upgrades of LHCb during 2025-2030,  which
aim to  make full use of the capabilities of a forward acceptance
detector during the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) operational period.

Next: IOPP forum: Prof. Laszlo P. Csernai, University of Bergen, Norway and Wuhan University of Technology, China,June 28 (Thursday), 2:30 pm, Room 9409

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