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IOPP Forum:Jiangyong Jia (贾江涌) from Stony Brook University and Brookhaven National Lab., June 19, 10:00am, Room 9409

Time & Place: June 19 (Tuesday), 10:00am, Room 9409

Title: Study of strongly-coupled QCD matter with the ATLAS detector at
the LHC

Speaker: Prof. Jiangyong Jia (贾江涌) from Stony Brook University and
Brookhaven National Lab.

High-energy proton-proton, proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions
create an extended and strongly-coupled partonic matter, whose
properties and dynamics are controlled by QCD in or near the
non-perturbative regime. Since 2010, the ATLAS detector at LHC provides
opportunities to create and study this matter using multiple probes and
different collision systems. After a brief overview of the ATLAS
heavy-ion program, I will discuss some surprising results, obtained by
my group, on the long-range, multi-parton dynamics emerging from this
strong-coupled QCD matter.

Previous: IOPP forum: Prof. Laszlo P. Csernai, University of Bergen, Norway and Wuhan University of Technology, China,June 28 (Thursday), 2:30 pm, Room 9409
Next:IOPP Forum: Charlotte Elster from Ohio University, May 22 (Tuesday), 2:30pm, 2018

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