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IOPP Forum:Dr. ZHANG Dongliang 3:00-4:30pm, 23nd May, Tuesday, 2017

Time: 3:00-4:30pm, 23nd May, Tuesday, 2017  

Location: Room 9727 (七楼会议室)  

Speaker: Dr. ZHANG Dongliang/张冬亮(密歇根大学 

Title: Measurement of Lambda_b decay asymmetry parameter and new physics searches with isolated muons in ATLAS
The measurement of Lambda_b->Lambda+Jpsi decay asymmetry parameter and helicity amplitudes using 7 TeV ATLAS data will be presented. The measured values are compared with theory predictions and measurements from other experiments. In the second part of the talk, two new physics searches using isolated muons will be briefly introduced.

Previous:IOPP Forum: Dr Alejandro Celis 9:00am, May 26th, Friday, 2017
Next:IOPP Forum: Mr. Ming Liu 10:00AM, 22nd May, Monday, 2017

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