IOPP Seminar: Dr.Jin-Feng Liao 2:30 pm, May 3,Wednesday, 2017
IOPP Seminar: Dr.Jin-Feng Liao 2:30 pm, May 3,Wednesday, 2017
Time: 14:30, May 3 (Wednesday)
Location:Room 9409
Title: Understand Confinement from Deconfined Phase
Speaker : Dr.Jin-Feng Liao 廖劲峰
( Associate professor of Indiana University)
To understand the mechanism of confinement in QCD (and QCD-like theories) remains a great challenge. In the past decade an interesting new approach to this problem has emerged by studying the confinement mechanism from ``above''. That is, one could probe how confinement occurs by first studying the finite temperature plasma phase above but close to the confinement transition temperature Tc. Important progress has been made along this line of thought. In this talk, we give an introductory discussion on this approach and report recent progress on two interesting problems: (1) To describe the confinement/deconfinement phase transition properties of the SU(2) Yang-Mills theory by a thermal ensemble of the correlated instanton-monopoles; (2) To demonstrate how a unified description for the currently comprehensive sets of available jet energy loss data in heavy ion collisions can be achieved in the CUJET3 modeling framework based upon a nonperturbative microscopic model of QCD plasma including magnetic monopoles.