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IOPP Forum: Dr. Xin Dong(董昕) 2:30 pm,June 19, Monday, 2017

IOPP Forum: Dr. Xin Dong(董昕) 2:30 pm,June 19, Monday, 2017

Time:14:30-15:30,June19, Monday, 2017

Location: Room 9409

Speaker: Dr. Xin Dong(董昕),Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Title:Femtoscopic “Brownian” Motion and Particle Diffusion- Heavy quark production in heavy-ion collisions


More than one century ago, Einstein established a theory to describe Brownian motion - molecular movement in fluid liquid or gas. High energy nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC and LHC have created a medium that is consistent with fluid-like quark-gluon plasma (QGP). The propagation of heavy mass quarks through such a medium can be similarly treated as “Brownian” motion, but now at a femto-meter level. Stochastic simulations are expected to offer reliable calculations for heavy quark interaction with the medium to extract QGP transport parameters, e.g. heavy quark diffusion coefficient inside the QGP.

In this talk, I will review recent achievements of heavy quark measurements in heavy-ion collisions. In particular, the new Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor technology has been, the first time, applied to the Heavy Flavor Tracker in the STAR experiment which enables high precision measurements to address heavy quark diffusion inside the QGP fluid. I will discuss our current understanding as well as future plans of heavy flavor program in heavy-ion collisions.

Previous:IOPP Forum: Dr. Marco Ruggieri 10:00 am, May 17, Wednesday, 2017
Next:IOPP Forum: Dr. Xing Hongxi (邢宏喜), 2:30pm July 06, Thursday, 2017

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