IOPP Forum: Dr Alejandro Celis 9:00am, May 26th, Friday, 2017
IOPP Forum: Dr Alejandro Celis 9:00am, May 26th, Friday, 2017
Time: 9:00am, May 26th, Friday, 2017
Location: Room 91229(12楼会议室)
Speaker: Dr Alejandro Celis, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Germany
Title: Hints of lepton universality violation in B-meson decays
Abstract: Recent measurements in the B-meson system have hinted towards the possibility of new physics that violates lepton universality. Such deviations from the Standard Model have been observed in the neutral-current processes B -> K(*) l+ l- as well as in the charged current mediated decays B -> D(*) tau nu. First I will review the current status of the Standard Model predictions for these processes. I will then present the available data on these transitions, with particular emphasis on those measurements which depart from the Standard Model. In a second part, I will review the class of models proposed in the literature to address these anomalies and also describe the main results obtained from model independent analyses using effective theory. Finally, I will explore in this context particular new physics scenarios, including models with vector-like quarks, family non-universal Z' models and extended scalar sectors.