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A microscopical model of hadronization with QCD first-order phase transition

Time&Place: Thursday afternoon (April 28th, 3:00pm) in Room 9409
Speaker: 徐喆(清华大学)

Title:A microscopical model of hadronization with QCD first-order phase transition

We present a new microscopical hadronization model of QCD matter in and
close to thermal equilibrium. The confinement phase transition is first-order.
To show the concept of our hadronization model we consider a phase transition
from gluons to pions for simplicity. The conditions of phase equilibrium and
the dissipative effect determine how the gluon volume decreases and the
corresponding pion volume increases. This is the basis for the numerical
modeling by considering microscopical processes such as two gluons go to two
pions or three pions, and their back reactions. The established model will be
proved by comparing the numerical results with the analytical solutions in the
case of a one dimensional expansion with Bjorken boost invariance.
The comparisons show almost perfect agreements, which demonstrates the
applicability of the introduced model. 

Next:heavy ion physics session in the LHCb physics worksop at CCNU

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